
Saturday, August 30, 2014


"Trendsetting is very important to me, so that was part of my mindset when I got dressed up today. I was always afraid to take my style outside of the box. So when I put my clothing together I felt pink was a nice risky colour. Then I saw the bow-tie, which I had for a year, but never worn because I wasn't comfortable with it. I bought it because I thought I needed to own it. I still have fears when dressing and tackling my comfort zone, but I'm always up for the challenge. I didn't grow up with much money. I grew up in foster care, which was an amazing experience and benefitted my character because I was able to experience so many different cultures in every regard: music, food and fashion. My upbringing has helped mesh it all together."

TorontoVerve recently featured Zai's dapper street style at the Brickworks.

TorontoVerve made #8 on Street Style News Daily Most Popular:

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