
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kevin & Samer: Style with Attitude

I encountered Kevin and Samer as they exited Topshop on Ossington. Both exude style and sophistication, and needless to say, are very photogenic.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Frances looks like she stepped out of the pages of a fashion catalogue. I love everything about this photograph. Her alluring ensemble, elegant smile and fetching bicycle are incredible.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Saira: Recycled Mode

Layers -- that's what fall is about and Saira likes to buy hers at second hand stores. In fact, she just bought this sweater the day before. What's old is new again.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Little Hanabi & Yui

Alexia's Pho Pa

Alexia is posing in front of her boutique called Pho Pa located at 698 Queen Street West. If you're looking for labels created by up and coming Canadian designers, this is the store for you.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Rick Springfield: Working Class Author

Looking for a nice book to curl up with in bed? Rick Springfield recommends his new autobiography, Late, Late at Night, now in stores. We caught up with the 80's rock legend tonight at Indigo Manulife, where he was signing copies of his book that candidly delves into his huge success and struggles with depression.

Despite the hard life, can you believe this man is 61 years old? We should all be so lucky to look this good.

Jonas: True Colours

For a long time, Jonas felt that he needed a new style. So as a landscaping businessman, he did what made sense to him. He took the logic of Andrew Lawson's The Gardener's Book of Color and applied it to his wardrobe. The result is a captivating palette that breaks the monotony of the often somber fall look. His inspiration, Scott Schuman, would be proud.

Jonas shops often at Value Village and Theodore 1922.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Tymea tells me that she gets nervous in front of the camera and can't help but make funny faces. Much to her amazement, after 8 seconds of photographing her on Queen Street West, this spectacular image emerged.

Tamara & Ken

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Kyra & Sean: After Last Call

What you are seeing is the genuine article.

After seeing a late late screening of the magnificent Basquiat documentary, The Radiant Child, we rode by Kyra and Sean, who were sharing a quiet moment together curb side.

I love to capture real moments -- they're the most beautiful and inspiring.

Friday, October 15, 2010


I was in the middle of enjoying my New York strip-loin and potatoes when I saw the stylish Madison leave the restaurant patio on King Street West. Still chewing my last bite, I quickly grabbed my camera and caught up to her across from The Princess of Wales Theatre.

Great photo opportunities cannot be any more spontaneous than that.

Revisiting Sarah

Not only do I often run into the people I shot before, I frequently see the people who turned me down. Toronto may be a small city, but it has an abundant sense of style.

I previously shot Sarah Taylor on her bike in summer and I was fortunate to capture her again this fall.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Erin purchased her amazing hat in Goa, India, where she plans to move this fall with her husband and 5-year old daughter to run a tea house called Brick Road.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Soon you'll notice an increasing trend of night shots.

But there's an explanation.

I haven't just discovered the beauty of night photography. No, there's a simpler reason than that. I've traded in working at night for day at the bank. And now that fall is upon us that means an influx of dusk and night shots (unless I'm blessed with an hour of sunlight after work).

Looks like day fashion will have to come on the weekends. C'est la vie.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Desire: Hip 'Socialite'

Desire is very sociable. So sociable that his friends couldn't wait for our brief photoshoot to end before whisking him away to party.

Eva Moon: Rambunctious Girl

Eva Moon is the drummer for Rambunctious, an indie improvisational jazz band.

We caught the tail-end of the band's performance in Kensington Market -- after which Eva packed up the band's equipment on her bike and rode off in the night.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Nuit Blanche 2010: Halyna

Last Saturday, Toronto held its fifth annual Nuit Blanche, a free dusk to dawn event celebrating contemporary art throughout the city.

Some of the events included 'Grindbox!' - a continuous loop of vintage horror and exploitation trailers at the Bell Lightbox, 'Monument to Smile' - a giant projection of photos showcasing people smiling against the Holt Renfrew building, 'Imponderabilia' - a recreation of Marina Abramovic's audacious 1977 exhibit at the University of Toronto, and 'Later that Night at the Drive-In' - a collage of sound and images projected against screens scattered around Nathan Phillips Square.

We took in many shows beginning at 10pm and ending around 6:30am.

Needless to say, Nuit Blanche 2010 was a huge success. The bags under my eyes can attest to that.