
Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Steven: "My style is the 1950's mixed with modern business-casual. I'm British so the old James Bond movies inspire me."

TorontoVerve: "And who's your favourite Bond?"

Steven: "Now it's Daniel Craig, but for the vintage style, you can't beat Sean Connery and Roger Moore."

TorontoVerve: "Unfortunately, Roger Moore had the misfortune of wearing 70's fashion, which doesn't hold up much today (laughs)."

Steven: "(laughs) Yeah, but he still rocked it pretty well. He was suave, casual and cool."

TorontoVerve: "Yes, he was. If there was a celebrity who could play you in a movie about your life, who would it be and why?"

Steven: "Probably Tom Cruise. He's weird, but at the same time normal. I can't explain it, but I like the way he responds to different emotions. It's the same way that I react when I get excited or upset."

TorontoVerve: "What's your quintessential Tom Cruise movie?"

Steven: "Vanilla Sky. It's trippy, weird and romantic. I love it."

Check out Steven's Instagram to see his life in pictures.

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