
Thursday, May 22, 2014


Natasha: "My style is really dependent on my mood. I wear a lot of vintage, but I'm really inspired by Japanese designers Yohji Yamamoto and Rei Kawakubo -- as well as Belgian designers Dries Van Noten and Martin Margiela. They all have a cleanliness in their lines and a willingness to take risks, but in a way that's not overdone or fussy. Right now I'm wearing a dress by Jeremy Laing -- a Canadian designer who works out of Toronto, but shows in New York actually. I also like to wear a lot of leather and rings."

TorontoVerve: "Who's your biggest role model in life?"

Natasha: "Oh God -- this one's hard to answer. It's probably a toss up between German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, Rocker Courtney Love and Italian heiress Marchesa Luisa Casati. I love all of Nietzsche's work. I wrote my undergrad thesis on a lot of his stuff as well as fashion and self-stylization. He really has a way with words and I've learned to 'go for it' and be bold from his literature. Courtney Love because she's an amazing rocker. Live Through This is such a great album. Finally, the Marchesa Luisa Casati because she was the Lady Gaga of the early twentieth century. She most famously said, "I want to be a living work of art." She was known for wearing the most outrageous stuff. She's just kinda kooky and crazy and I love that."

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