
Monday, June 30, 2014

Christine & Saira

Christine: "My sister really inspires my style. We tend to bounce fashion ideas off each other a lot."

Saira: "It depends on our mood."

Christine: "Yes, it's definitely mood-based. I don't even look at fashion magazines anymore to get inspiration."

Saira: "She'll come up with something and I'll go "ohhhh" and then I'll come  up with something and she'll go "ohhhh," and then we build on that. We have a whole bedroom…"

Christine: "Ok, we have a 2-bedroom apartment and one of the bedrooms is our closet (laughs)."

Saira: "We collect a lot of clothes (laughs)."

Christine: "We're hoarders (laughs)."

Saira: "No, we appreciate interesting things."

Like her sister, Christine is an artist and paints portraits and flowers. "But they're not normal portraits," as Saira says. "Christine has a definite style. When she captures a person, it's not realism or boring at all. It's very interesting."

Christine: "Ok, stop it (laughs)."

Saira: "She's also moving to Dubai."

TorontoVerve: "When are you moving to Dubai?"

Christine: "Next month for just a year. I'm going to be a flight attendant."

TorontoVerve: "So what inspired you guys to wear what you're wearing today?"

Saira: "This actually wasn't what I was going to originally wear, but my sister changed her outfit because of her mood. So then we decided to wear something similar."

Christine: "I was a little bit moody today."

Saira: "She's wearing pink eye shadow. She didn't want to wear it."

Christine: "She totally talked me into it (laughs)."

TorontoVerve: "And what are you guys up to tonight?"

Saira: "We're going to see a musical artist called Mo Kenney at the Horseshoe. I just styled and did her make-up for her to take press release photos."

TorontoVerve: "What's the best advice you guys received?"

Saira: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Christine: "And we were talking about this before: if it happens once, ok -- if it happens twice, then it's going to happen a third time. So watch out (laughs)."

We previously captured Christine's Spring street style in 2012 and Saira's street style 3-times before. Until this day, we didn't know that they were sisters. Small world.

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