
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Adrian Wu: Future Designer Extraordinare

It was just last year when Adrian taught himself to sew with his mom's sewing machine. Recently, he debued his work at Vancouver Fashion Week and he'll be developing his craft at the prestigious Istituto Margangoni in London, England this fall. Evidently, Adrian doesn't believe in wasting time. Expect great things from the talented 19 year old in upcoming years, but if you can't wait, you can check out his website here.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dennis' House of Vintage

Dorothy and I would have likely driven passed Dennis' House of Vintage if it weren't for the busy photoshoot happening on its staircase. The trendy store relocated from its Queen/Portland location to Parkdale and hadn't been christened with a sign yet. Fortunately for us, the distraction was a good one.

Upon speaking to the enthusiastic staff, who are stylists, designers and models, we quickly learned that House of Vintage wasn't just a job -- it was a labour of love. The nostalgic experience of browsing through their retro styles while listening to the Bee Gee's Jive Talkin' (with disco ball overhead) was surreal.

House of Vintage provides a bevy of mint and wearable collections spanning from several eras. From a 1920's flapper dress to a 1990's Gaultier nautical jumper, the eclectic store is guaranteed to please diverse tastes.

Founder and owner Dennis Adamidis has big plans for the new location. Soon the basement will be converted into a chic fashion museum, where the flapper dress and other rare garments will permanently reside, but don't expect to pop in just anytime to see it -- it will be by appointment only.
Dorothy is in desperate need of Frye boots so we'll be stopping by again soon.

If you're looking for cool retro wear, be sure to visit Dennis' House of Vintage at 1239 Queen Street West or check out their blog.

Sophie and Laura strike a pose in vintage fashion.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Faye & Cookie Monster at Woofstock

Dorothy recently visited Woofstock near St. Lawrence Market with our beloved Beagles, Boston and Bosley. Believe it or not, with camera in one hand and 2 leashes in the other, she managed to flawlessly shoot Faye & Cookie Monster at the event. She's a natural Garance Doré.